Sandro Vanini Introduces Eco-Friendly Packaging and Re-Packaging Initiative for the Gift Basket Season
Dear customers,
We are pleased to announce an important initiative for our Sandro Vanini SA store, just in time for the start of the gift basket season. Sandro Vanini has introduced new eco-friendly packaging made from recyclable materials that comply with the strictest environmental regulations. This change reflects our commitment to reducing environmental impact and promoting more responsible practices.
For those who prefer the traditional wicker basket, we offer an innovative solution: re-packaging the baskets already purchased from our store with new selected products. By bringing your previously purchased wicker basket to our company store, you can have it filled with a new selection of products. Additionally, in the spirit of the circular economy, you will receive a 10% discount on your new purchase.
This initiative not only promotes reuse and waste reduction but also gives our customers the opportunity to actively participate in environmental protection, especially during a time when gifts take center stage.
We thank you for your continued support and for joining us in contributing to a more sustainable future.
Your Sandro Vanini team