Chop the Orangeat finely. Stir all the ingredients together, except for the butter, until smooth and let it stand for 30 minutes.
Fry 8 crêpes of the same size in the butter.
Chop the Orangeat finely. Stir all the ingredients together, except for the butter, until smooth and let it stand for 30 minutes.
Fry 8 crêpes of the same size in the butter.
Fillet the oranges and extract the juice.
Melt the butter in a pan, then add the sugar and dissolve.
Add the orange juice and then the Orangeat and the orange fillets.
Aromatize with the Grand Marnier and with the pulp of the half vanilla bean.
Fold the crêpes in four (or divide into four parts) and turn once in the sauce.
Arrange on plates and spoon the sauce over them.